Thursday, October 06, 2005

Media, Conservative or Liberal?

It is amazing how Aldous Huxley was able to prophesy in 1931 with such assurance that the controllers of the world had their eye on homogenizing humankind into a creature of needs and desires that can only be quenched by tools and means that are in their control.

Out of the artificial wombs of Huxley’s brave new world came the Alphas, the Betas, and the Gammas, who were each preconditioned to take over a certain aspect and task of the humongous production lines, and take pleasure in doing the task that they were charged with as if they were predestined into a modern caste system to do what they were assigned to without a word or a sign of discontent and discomfort.

Aldous Huxley had no clue that information technology would some day become so complex and encompassing that in effect it will take over the task of homogenizing humankind in thought, expression, and deed thereby eliminating the need for many of the civic and political rights. Who would need freedom of expression when everyone is brainwashed to voluntarily say the same things?

This is the role and the goal of the corporation owned media of today’s world. Conservative or liberal falls secondary to this initial goal. While the conservatives want this objective to be attained as quickly as possible and are not willing to give an inch to any other idea, the liberals are simply saying that this end can be reached in a more gradual way, allowing some breathing space for those ideas that are against this huge uniformitarian effort. The aspired ends are the same; the means are just a little different.

The Pide Piper is enchanting all of us to be drowned in the same river. Does it matter if his tunes are conservative or liberal? He picks up a conservative tune when he wishes to accelerate the process, and a liberal one when he feels like rejoicing in our long and tormenting drowning death.